Apethorpe Palace Dates and Times

There are no dates currently available.

More Information about Apethorpe Palace

As Apethorpe Palace is a private residence, parking at the site is only available for the duration of the tour. Please arrive no more than 10 minutes before the tour starts as no parking is permitted in Laundry Lane, adjacent to Apethorpe Palace.

In order to minimise the impact that tours have on floors and floor coverings, please wear shoes that are suitable for indoor use and please do not wear high heels. Shoe covers will be provided during wet weather. Unfortunately, there is no wheelchair access. It is also not suitable for anyone with mobility difficulties as there are a lot of stairs with no resting/seating points. Unfortunately we are unable to allow dogs anywhere onto the site, including the car park. As there is no shade within the car parking area, dogs cannot be left in cars, so we kindly ask that you do not bring your dog with you on the day of your visit.

The tour will last approx. 1 and ยข hours and the gates will be locked to the site 10 minutes after the tour start time. Once the tour is complete, there is no access to the site and we ask that if exploring the village, you please respect the privacy of the residents by parking courteously, away from houses.

Please note no photography will be permitted on these tours. The tours are not suitable for children under 12 and those aged 12-16 will need to be accompanied by an adult.