
Castle Acre Dates and Times

There are no dates currently available.

More Information about Castle Acre

Once you choose your arrival date, you’ll receive your booking confirmation by email. Just bring this with you on the day you visit, either on your mobile device or as a print out. The email will contain a barcode that our team will scan when you arrive.

The time shown is the earliest you can arrive, and you can arrive at any point within an hour of that time. You're then welcome to stay for as long as you like.

Last admission is 30 minutes before the site closes.

Without a valid booking confirmation, we won't be able to let you in. If you are a Member, remember to bring your English Heritage Membership Card. Members are able to book tickets for those included in the membership only. Any additional bookings made will be chargeable on site. Please see our Reopening FAQS for more information

This important Norfolk visitor attraction is one of the largest and best preserved monastic sites in England dating back to 1090. It was the home of the first Cluniac order of monks to England and the Cluniac love of decoration is everywhere reflected in the extensive ruins. There is much to see at the priory, including the beautiful west end church gable, prior's lodging and substantial remains of many of the buildings round the cloister. The recreated herb garden grows herbs, which the monks would have used for medicinal, culinary and decorative purposes.
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