
Marble Hill Winter Events Tickets and Dates

Sorry, there are no shows for Marble Hill Winter Events right now.

More Information about Marble Hill Winter Events

Once you choose your arrival date, you’ll receive your booking confirmation by email. Just bring this with you on the day you visit, either on your mobile device or as a print out. The email will contain a barcode that our team will scan when you arrive.

You can arrive at any time from the time shown on your booking confirmation. You're then welcome to stay for as long as you like.

Some of our sites can get very busy, especially on Bank Holidays. Our busiest times are between 11am and 2pm, so if you prefer to visit at a quieter time you may wish to visit outside of these hours.

Last admission is 30 minutes before the site closes.

You don't need to book your visit in advance, but you will always get the best price and guaranteed entry by booking online ahead of your visit. The prices shown here include a discount. The admission price will be higher if you choose to pay on the day you visit.

A lovely Palladian mansion set in riverside parkland, Marble Hill House is the last complete survivor of the elegant 18th-century villas which bordered the Thames between Richmond and Hampton Court. It was begun in 1724 for Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk, a remarkable woman of letters and friend of some of England's greatest writers. The house and gardens were planned by fashionable connoisseurs, including the poet Alexander Pope. Marble Hill was intended as an Arcadian retreat from crowded 18th-century London. There can be few places in England which better evoke the atmosphere of Georgian fashionable life.
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